Konsole: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Aus Rising World Wiki
Zeile 205: Zeile 205:
! Befehl !! Parameter !! Beschreibung !! Description<br/>(orginal)
! Befehl !! Parameter !! Beschreibung !! Description<br/>(orginal)
| backups
| backups  
|  -   
|  -   
| Öffnet das Welt Backup-Verzeichnis im Datei-Explorer || Opens the world backup directory in the file explorer
| Öffnet das Welt Backup-Verzeichnis im Datei-Explorer || Opens the world backup directory in the file explorer
Zeile 325: Zeile 325:
| DE  || Opens the game directory in the file explorer
| DE  || Opens the game directory in the file explorer
| gm <span style="color:#254501"><mode> (0 = Survival, 1 = Creative)</span>       
| gm  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><mode></span> <br/> 0 = Survival, 1 = Creative  
| DE  || Changes the game mode
| DE  || Changes the game mode
| gap <span style="color:#254501"><value></span>                            
| gap  
|  -  
| <span style="color:#254501"><value></span>   
| DE  || Sets the gap size for the currently active element (when placing multiple elements in a row)
| DE  || Sets the gap size for the currently active element (when placing multiple elements in a row)
| gc <span style="color:#254501">[milliseconds]</span>                      
| gc  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501">[milliseconds]</span>  
| DE  || Triggers the garbage collector to run, optionally only for a given amount of time
| DE  || Triggers the garbage collector to run, optionally only for a given amount of time
Zeile 341: Zeile 341:
| DE  ||  
| DE  ||  
| gethere <span style="color:#254501"><player></span>                        
| gethere  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><player></span>  
| DE  || Teleports another player to your position
| DE  || Teleports another player to your position
| getoption <span style="color:#254501"><key></span>                        
| getoption  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><key></span>  
| DE  || Prints the currently set value of an option key
| DE  || Prints the currently set value of an option key  
| gm <span style="color:#254501"><mode> (0 = Survival, 1 = Creative)</span>       
|  - 
| DE  || Changes the game mode
| goto <span style="color:#254501"><x> <y> <z>  OR  goto <playername></span>      
| goto  
|  -  
| <span style="color:#254501"><x> <y> <z>  OR  goto <playername></span>   
| DE  || Teleports you to a given world location or to another player
| DE  || Teleports you to a given world location or to another player
Zeile 379: Zeile 375:
| DE  || Prints information about the currently used graphics card
| DE  || Prints information about the currently used graphics card
| heal  OR  heal <span style="color:#254501"><playername></span>                
| heal  OR  heal  
|  -  
| <span style="color:#254501"><playername></span>   
| DE  || Heals yourself or another player
| DE  || Heals yourself or another player  
| help <span style="color:#254501"><command></span>                          
| help  
|  -  
| <span style="color:#254501"><command></span>   
| DE  || Prints information about a specific console command
| DE  || Prints information about a specific console command
Zeile 399: Zeile 395:
| DE  ||  
| DE  ||  
| serverinfo <span style="color:#254501"><type></span>                      
| serverinfo  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><type></span> <br/> type: memory, chunks, network
| DE  || Gets some information about the server (types: memory, chunks, network)
| DE  || Gets some information about the server (types: memory, chunks, network)
| invite <span style="color:#254501"><steamID></span>                        
| invite  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><steamID></span>  
| DE  || Invites a friend to join your game. Your friend will only be able to join your game if you have hosted a "Play with friends" session!
| DE  || Invites a friend to join your game. Your friend will only be able to join your game if you have hosted a "Play with friends" session!
Zeile 411: Zeile 407:
| DE  || Tries to get all local IP addresses (LAN)
| DE  || Tries to get all local IP addresses (LAN)
| item <span style="color:#254501"><itemname> <amount> [variant]</span>        
| item  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><itemname> <amount> [variant]</span>  
| DE  || Adds a new item to your inventory
| DE  || Adds a new item to your inventory
| kick <span style="color:#254501"><name/uid> [reason]</span>                  
| kick  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><name/uid> [reason]</span>  
| DE  || Kicks a player from the server
| DE  || Kicks a player from the server
| kill OR  kill <span style="color:#254501"><playername></span>                 
| kill  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><playername></span>                 
| DE  || Kills yourself or another player
| DE  || Kills yourself or another player
Zeile 431: Zeile 427:
| DE  || Listens for any key input and prints the detected key name (and device)
| DE  || Listens for any key input and prints the detected key name (and device)
| loadworld <span style="color:#254501"><worldname></span>                     
| loadworld  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><worldname></span>   
| DE  || Loads a world
| loadworld <span style="color:#254501"><worldname></span>                      
|  -  
| DE  || Loads a world
| DE  || Loads a world
| loadpreset <span style="color:#254501"><id/name></span>                    
| loadpreset  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><id/name></span>  
| DE  || Loads a building size preset
| DE  || Loads a building size preset
| loadworld <span style="color:#254501"><worldname></span>                     
|  - 
| DE  || Loads a world
| locknpc   
| locknpc   
Zeile 451: Zeile 439:
| DE  || Freezes/locks the npc you're currently looking at (so it can't move anymore)
| DE  || Freezes/locks the npc you're currently looking at (so it can't move anymore)
| lodbias <span style="color:#254501"><bias></span>                          
| lodbias  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><bias></span>  
| DE  || Changes the global LOD bias. Default setting is 1
| DE  || Changes the global LOD bias. Default setting is 1
Zeile 459: Zeile 447:
| DE  || Opens the logs folder in the file explorer
| DE  || Opens the logs folder in the file explorer
| makeadmin <span style="color:#254501"><name/uid></span>                    
| makeadmin  
|  -  
| <span style="color:#254501"><name/uid></span>   
| DE  || Makes a player an admin in multiplayer
| DE  || Makes a player an admin in multiplayer
Zeile 471: Zeile 459:
| DE  || Sets the max framerate
| DE  || Sets the max framerate
| maxlodlevel <span style="color:#254501"><lvl></span>                      
| maxlodlevel  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><lvl></span>  
| DE  || Sets the max global LOD level. Default setting is 0
| DE  || Sets the max global LOD level. Default setting is 0
Zeile 483: Zeile 471:
| DE  || Toggles visibility of the mouse cursor
| DE  || Toggles visibility of the mouse cursor
| movemode <span style="color:#254501"><mode></span>                        
| movemode  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><mode></span>  
| DE  || Changes the manual positioning mode. Either set WORLD (default) or LOCAL
| DE  || Changes the manual positioning mode. Either set WORLD (default) or LOCAL
Zeile 495: Zeile 483:
| DE  || Toggles no-clipping for fly mode
| DE  || Toggles no-clipping for fly mode
| object <span style="color:#254501"><objectname> <amount> [variant]</span>        
| object  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><objectname> <amount> [variant]</span>  
| DE  || Adds a new object (like furniture) to your inventory
| DE  || Adds a new object (like furniture) to your inventory
| offlineban <span style="color:#254501"><uid> <duration> [reason]</span>          
| offlineban  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><uid> <duration> [reason]</span>  
| DE  || Bans a player from the server who is currently not connected (duration in seconds). Set duration to -1 for a permanent ban
| DE  || Bans a player from the server who is currently not connected (duration in seconds). Set duration to -1 for a permanent ban
| panorama <span style="color:#254501">[resolution] [createpreview]</span>        
| panorama  
| -
| <span style="color:#254501">[resolution] [createpreview]</span>  
| DE  || Creates a panorama screenshot (equirectangular projection)
| Speichert ein Panorama-Screenshot || Creates a panorama screenshot (equirectangular projection)
| pivotmode <span style="color:#254501"><mode></span>                        
| pivotmode  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><mode></span>  
| DE  || Changes the pivot mode, either AUTOMATIC (default) or MANUAL
| DE  || Changes the pivot mode, either AUTOMATIC (default) or MANUAL
| playerinfo <span style="color:#254501"><uid></span>                        
| playerinfo  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><uid></span>  
| DE  || Gets some information about a particular player (by his UID)
| DE  || Gets some information about a particular player (by his UID)
Zeile 519: Zeile 507:
| DE  ||  
| DE  ||  
| playsound <span style="color:#254501"><soundname> [parametername] [parametervalue] ...</span>
| playsound  
| - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><soundname> [parametername] [parametervalue] ...</span>  
| DE  || Plays a certain sound effect at the player position
| DE  || Plays a certain sound effect at the player position
Zeile 535: Zeile 523:
| DE  || Quits the game
| DE  || Quits the game
| serverinfo <span style="color:#254501"><type></span>                      
| serverinfo  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><type></span>  
| DE  || Gets some information about the server (types: memory, chunks, network)
| DE  || Gets some information about the server (types: memory, chunks, network)
Zeile 571: Zeile 559:
| DE  || Creates icons for all clothes and stores them in the Screenshots folder
| DE  || Creates icons for all clothes and stores them in the Screenshots folder
| renderconstruction <span style="color:#254501"><shape> [resolution]</span>      
| renderconstruction  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><shape> [resolution]</span>  
| DE  || Creates icons for this construction element with all textures and stores them in the Screenshots folder
| DE  || Creates icons for this construction element with all textures and stores them in the Screenshots folder
| renderitems                               
| renderitems                               
|  -   
|  -   
| DE  || Creates icons for all items and stores them in the Screenshots folder
| rendert und speichert kleine Vorschaubilder von Items || Creates icons for all items and stores them in the Screenshots folder
| rendernpcs                               
| rendernpcs                               
|  -   
|  -   
| DE  || Creates icons for all npcs and stores them in the Screenshots folder
| rendert und speichert kleine Vorschaubilder von NPCs || Creates icons for all npcs and stores them in the Screenshots folder
| renderobject                             
| renderobject                             
|  -   
|  -   
| DE  || Creates icons for a particular object and stores it in the Screenshots folder
| rendert ein Vorschaubild || Creates icons for a particular object and stores it in the Screenshots folder
| renderobjects                             
| renderobjects                             
|  -   
|  -   
| DE  || Creates icons for all objects and stores them in the Screenshots folder
| rendert und speichert kleine Vorschaubilder || Creates icons for all objects and stores them in the Screenshots folder
| renderplants                             
| renderplants                             
|  -   
|  -   
| DE  || Creates icons for all plants and stores them in the Screenshots folder
| rendert und speichert kleine Vorschaubilder || Creates icons for all plants and stores them in the Screenshots folder
| renderplayer <span style="color:#254501">[resolution]</span>                  
| renderplayer  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501">[resolution]</span>  
| DE  || Creates an image of the current player model (including the current clothes)
| DE  || Creates an image of the current player model (including the current clothes)
Zeile 611: Zeile 599:
| DE  || Resets all input
| DE  || Resets all input
| resolution <span style="color:#254501"><width> <height></span>                
| resolution  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><width> <height></span>  
| DE  || Changes the resolution
| DE  || Changes the resolution
| resolutionscale <span style="color:#254501"><scale></span>                    
| resolutionscale  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><scale></span>  
| DE  || Changes the resolution scale (0-1)
| DE  || Changes the resolution scale (0-1)
| restart <span style="color:#254501"><seconds></span>                      
| restart  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><seconds></span>  
| DE  || Restarts the server in x seconds, i.e. broadcasts a message about the impending restart to all players and restarts the server process (only works in multiplayer)
| DE  || Restarts the server in x seconds, i.e. broadcasts a message about the impending restart to all players and restarts the server process (only works in multiplayer)
| revokeadmin <span style="color:#254501"><name/uid></span>                    
| revokeadmin  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><name/uid></span>  
| DE  || Revokes admin rights from a player in multiplayer
| DE  || Revokes admin rights from a player in multiplayer
| rotate <span style="color:#254501"><X> <Y> <Z>  OR  rotate <Y></span>        
| rotate  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><X> <Y> <Z>  OR  rotate <Y></span>  
| DE  || Rotates the currently active element along the X (pitch), Y (yaw) and Z (roll) axis
| DE  || Rotates the currently active element along the X (pitch), Y (yaw) and Z (roll) axis
| rotation <span style="color:#254501"><X> <Y> <Z>  OR  rotation <Y></span>        
| rotation  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><X> <Y> <Z>  OR  rotation <Y></span>  
| DE  || Sets an absolute rotation for the currently active element along the X (pitch), Y (yaw) and Z (roll) axis
| DE  || Sets an absolute rotation for the currently active element along the X (pitch), Y (yaw) and Z (roll) axis
| rotationmode <span style="color:#254501"><mode></span>                    
| rotationmode  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><mode></span>  
| DE  || Changes the rotation mode. Either set WORLD, LOCAL or LEGACY (default)
| DE  || Changes the rotation mode. Either set WORLD, LOCAL or LEGACY (default)
Zeile 647: Zeile 635:
| DE  || Writes all unsaved settings to the config.properties file
| DE  || Writes all unsaved settings to the config.properties file
| savepreset <span style="color:#254501"><id> [name]</span>                    
| savepreset  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><id> [name]</span>  
| DE  || Saves a building size preset
| DE  || Saves a building size preset
| screenshot <span style="color:#254501">[width] [height]</span>                
| screenshot  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501">[width] [height]</span>  
| DE  || Takes a screenshot
| DE  || Takes a screenshot
Zeile 659: Zeile 647:
| DE  || Invokes the serverside garbage collector to free up unused memory
| DE  || Invokes the serverside garbage collector to free up unused memory
| serverinfo <span style="color:#254501"><type></span>                      
| serverinfo  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><type></span>  
| DE  || Gets some information about the server (types: memory, chunks, network)
| DE  || Gets some information about the server (types: memory, chunks, network)
| setaudiodriver <span style="color:#254501"><driver></span>                    
| setaudiodriver  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><driver></span>  
| DE  || Changes the currently active audio output driver
| DE  || Changes the currently active audio output driver
Zeile 671: Zeile 659:
| DE  || Sets the global default spawn position to your current position
| DE  || Sets the global default spawn position to your current position
| gm <span style="color:#254501"><mode> (0 = Survival, 1 = Creative)</span>       
| setl
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><precision></span>  
| DE  || Changes the game mode
| setl <span style="color:#254501"><precision></span>                        
|  - 
| DE  || Sets the scale precision (when resizing an element)
| DE  || Sets the scale precision (when resizing an element)
| setofflineplayergroup <span style="color:#254501"><uid> <groupname></span>      
| setofflineplayergroup  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><uid> <groupname></span>  
| DE  || Sets the permission group of an offline player. Either provide the group name, or "default" / "null" for the default permission
| DE  || Sets the permission group of an offline player. Either provide the group name, or "default" / "null" for the default permission
| setoption <span style="color:#254501"><key> <value></span>                    
| setoption  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><key> <value></span> <br/> z.B.: <code>setoption filmgrain false</code>
| DE  || Changes an option key and stores the updated value in the config file
| Ändert eine Option und speichert den aktualisierten Wert in der Konfigurationsdatei || Changes an option key and stores the updated value in the config file
| setp <span style="color:#254501"><precision></span>                        
| setp  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><precision></span>  
| DE  || Sets the placement precision (when moving an element manually)
| DE  || Sets the placement precision (when moving an element manually)
| setplayergroup <span style="color:#254501"><name/uid> <groupname></span>        
| setplayergroup  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><name/uid> <groupname></span>  
| DE  || Sets the permission group of a player. Either provide the group name, or "default" / "null" for the default permission
| DE  || Sets the permission group of a player. Either provide the group name, or "default" / "null" for the default permission
| setr <span style="color:#254501"><precision></span>                        
| setr  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><precision></span>  
| DE  || Sets the rotation precision (when rotating an element)
| DE  || Sets the rotation precision (when rotating an element)
| setsnowiness <span style="color:#254501"><0-1></span>                      
| setsnowiness  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><0-1></span>  
| DE  || Sets the global snowiness value. Overrides wetness
| Legt den globalen Schneewert fest. Überschreibt Nässe || Sets the global snowiness value. Overrides wetness
| setspawn   
| setspawn   
Zeile 707: Zeile 691:
| DE  || Sets the global default spawn position to your current position
| DE  || Sets the global default spawn position to your current position
| setspawninventory                      
| setspawninventory  
|  -   
|  -   
| DE  || Sets the global default spawn inventory to your current inventory
| DE  || Sets the global default spawn inventory to your current inventory
Zeile 715: Zeile 699:
| DE  || Sets the global default spawn position to your current position
| DE  || Sets the global default spawn position to your current position
| tod <span style="color:#254501"><hours> <minutes></span>                      
| tod  
|  - 
| <span style="color:#254501"><hours> <minutes></span>  
| DE  || Sets the current time of day
| DE  || Sets the current time of day

Version vom 20. Februar 2024, 14:52 Uhr

Die Konsole kann im Spiel mit der Zirkumflextaste ^ geöffnet werden. Sie erlaubt es dem Spieler verschiedene Befehle während des Spiels auszuführen.

Zur Navigation in der Konsole können folgende Tasten benutzt werden:

  • Bild Auf zum Hochscrollen
  • Bild Ab zum Runterscrollen



  • commands – Gibt eine Liste aller Befehle aus
  • cleanup <typ> – Räumt Objekte vom Typ <typ> in der Welt auf, darunter
    • debris – Herumliegede Trümmer
    • items – Herumliegende Items, Objekte und Bauelemente
    • trees – Herumliegende, gefällte Bäume
    • chunks – Übriggebliebe Chunks
  • clearinventory – Inventar leeren
  • cls – Löscht alle Ausgaben in der Konsole
  • cubemap – Speichert ein Screenshot als Cube Map
  • time <h> <m> – Stellt die Tageszeit in der Welt ein
    • Alternativ: tod <h> <m>
    • Alternativ: settime <h> <m>
  • weather <name> – Stellt das Wetter in der Welt ein. Folgende Wettereffekte sind möglich:
    • default
    • clear
    • breeze
    • overcast
    • rain
    • heavyrain
    • snow
    • heavysnow
    • cold
    • fog
    • densefog
  • findbase
  • gamemode <id> – Wechselt den Spielmodus
  • getplayerinfo <UID>
  • heal – Heilt den Spieler
  • help <befehl> – Zeigt Hilfe für einen Befehl an
  • hud – Schaltet das HUD an oder aus
  • id
  • item <name> <anzahl> – Fügt das Item name in das Spielerinventar ein, siehe #Item- und Objekt-IDs
  • kill <spieler>
  • object – Wie item, nur speziell für Objekte, siehe #Item- und Objekt-IDs
  • panorama – Speichert ein Panorama-Screenshot
  • recalculatelods - um aktuell geladene LOD Chunks neu zu generieren (Update 0.5)
  • refreshinventory
  • reloadplugins - um Plugins während der Laufzeit neu zuladen
    • Alternativ: rp
  • renderitems - rendert und speichert kleine Vorschaubilder von Items
  • renderobjects
  • renderplants
  • report – Erstellt einen Fehlerbericht
  • resetcamerarotation
  • resetinput
  • screenshot
  • setsnowiness
  • setspawninventory
  • setspawnposition
  • settimespeed
  • setwetness
  • showballistictrajectory
  • spawnnpc <name>
    • spawnnpc <name> locked - dann wird das Tier eingefroren
  • toggleterain - um das Terrain aus- und einzublenden (Update 0.6)
  • toggleworldgeneration
  • unloadassets
  • unloadplugins


Folgende Befehle können für das Bauen verwendet werden:

  • constructioncollision – Kollisionen beim Bauen an oder ausschalten
  • edit -
    • Zusatz: flag disableobstruction -/oder attribute disableobstruction (Türen werden nicht mehr blockiert)
    • Zusatz: texture<textureID>
    • Zusatz: color # <HEX-Color>
    • Zusatz: resize
    • Zusatz: setsize
    • Zusatz: rotate
    • Zusatz: setrotation
    • Zusatz: move
    • Zusatz: texturescale
    • Zusatz: shape <blockform>
      • block
      • roundedblock
      • cylinder
      • halfcylinder
      • ramp
      • rampcorner
      • rampcornerhalf
      • rampcornerinner
      • arc
      • arcinverse
      • arccorner
      • arccornerinner
      • arcinversecorner
      • arcinversecornerinner
      • stair1
      • stair2
      • stair3
      • stair1corner
      • stair1cornerinner
      • triangle
      • pyramid
      • cone
      • halfcone
      • hollowcylinder
      • hollowcylinderhalf
      • hollowcylindercorner
      • pillar
      • roundedblock
      • sphere
      • pane
      • panecircle
      • panehalfcircle
      • panequartercircle
      • panetriangle
      • panerighttriangle
      • window1 bis window10
  • pivotmode
  • move
  • rotate
  • rotation
  • rotationmode <mode>
  • size
  • setp
  • setr
  • setl
  • texturescale <faktor>


Folgende Befehle können in Zukunft im Mehrspielermodus verwendet werden:

  • ban
  • connect
  • connectto
  • getserverinfo
  • kick
  • networkstats
  • offlineban
  • queryplayerinfo <uid>
  • queryserverinfo <typ>
  • servergc
  • unban
  • yell


Folgende Befehle können verwendet werden, um schnell an andere Orte in der Welt zu kommen:

  • teleport <x> <y> <z> – Teleportiert den Spieler an die Koordinaten (X, Y, Z)
    • Alternativ: tp <x> <y> <z>
  • goto
  • gotodeathposition
  • gotospawn
  • gotosurface
  • mark – Markiert die aktuelle Position mit einem Namen
  • gotomark – Teleportiert den Spieler zur Position mark name
  • setspawn
    • Alternativ: setdefaultspawn


Folgende Befehle können zum Ändern von Spieleinstellungen verwendet werden:

  • displaymode <modus> – Wechselt den Anzeigemodus
    • 0 – Vollbildmodus
    • 1 – Randloses Fenster
    • 3 – Fenstermodus
  • lodbias
  • maxfps
  • maxlodlevel
  • mouse
  • noclip
  • reloadoptions
  • resolution
  • resolutionscale
  • saveoptions
  • setaudiodriver
  • setoption
  • skyrotation - Bestimmt die Ausrichtung des Himmels bzw. von Sonne/Mond (Update 0.4.8)
  • targetmonitor
  • viewdistance
  • volume


Folgende Befehle bieten Debug-Funktionalitäten:

  • buildinfo – Zeigt Informationen zum aktuellen Build (Entwicklungsstufe) von Rising World
  • chunkborders – Zeigt die Chunk-Grenzen sowie Höhenlinien an
  • fps
  • gc
  • gamedir
  • getoption <key>
  • graphics
  • listener
  • listenforinput
  • logs
  • playerinfo
  • playsound
  • printallactuatedkeys
  • printchunkinfo
  • printkeybindings - Erstellt eine Textdatei mit allen aktuellen Tastenbelegungen (Update 0.4.8)
  • system
  • uidebugger - um den Pfad jedes beliebigen UI Elements auf dem Bildschirm zu erhalten (Update 0.6)

Alle Befehle (Tabelle)

Befehl Parameter Beschreibung Description
backups - Öffnet das Welt Backup-Verzeichnis im Datei-Explorer Opens the world backup directory in the file explorer
bag <item1> <item2> <item3> ... Fügt dem Inventar einen Taschengegenstand hinzu Adds a bag item (which contains other items) to your inventory
ban <name/uid> <duration> [reason] Sperrt einen Spieler für eine bestimmte Zeit vom Server Bans a player from the server for a given amount of time (seconds). Set duration to -1 for a permanent ban
blueprintinfo - Blaupausen-Info blueprint info
blueprints - Ruft das Blueprint-Menü auf Brings up the blueprint menu. If there is no blueprint table in proximity, this command only works in creative mode
buildinfo - DE Prints information about the current build
chunkborders - Visualisiert Chunk-Grenzen Visualizes chunk borders
chunkinfo - DE
chunkpartinfo - DE
cleanup <type>
types: debris, items, trees, chunks
Räumt Objekte vom Typ <type> in der Welt auf Cleans up the server
clearinventory - Inventar leeren Removes all items from your inventory
clothing <name> <amount> [color] DE Adds a new piece of clothing to your inventory
cls - Löscht alle Ausgaben in der Konsole Clears the console output
commands - Gibt eine Liste aller Befehle aus, die Liste ist in der .log Datei Gets an overview of all available console commands
connect <ip> [port] Verbindet mit einem Multiplayer-Server Connects to a multiplayer server
constructioncollision - Kollisionen beim Bauen an oder ausschalten Toggles the collision of elements while building
convertjavaimages <directory> Konvertiert alle Java .cimg Bilddateien Converts all Java .cimg image files to png/jpg files (and stores them in the same directory)
coordinates [saveto] (targets: "clipboard" or a relative/absolute file path) DE Prints the current coordinates. Alternatively copies them into clipboard or writes them into a file
cubemap - DE
debugcorpses - DE
deletenpc - DE Deletes the npc you're currently looking at. Not to be confused with "deletenpcs"
deletenpcs [type] [radius] DE Deletes all npcs in your world within a certain range. Optionally you can restrict it to a type
deletesector [sx] [sz] DE Deletes a sector (i.e. fully resets the sector including all chunks in it). To get the sector coordinates, move to the sector and press F3 (see top lines)
displaymode <mode>
modes: "fullscreen" (0), "borderless" (1), "windowed" (3)
DE Changes the displaymode
edit <action> <values...>
supported actions: texture, color, shape, resize, setsize, rotate, setrotation, move, texturescale, flag
DE Modifies the element in the world you're currently looking at
findbase [playername/uid] DE Finds the chunk with the highest density of construction elements or objects
flip <axis> DE Flips the currently active element either along the X, Y or Z axis
fog - DE Toggles the fog temporarily
fps - DE Toggles the fps counter
gamedir - DE Opens the game directory in the file explorer
gm <mode>
0 = Survival, 1 = Creative
DE Changes the game mode
gap <value> DE Sets the gap size for the currently active element (when placing multiple elements in a row)
gc [milliseconds] DE Triggers the garbage collector to run, optionally only for a given amount of time
getblueprintinfo - DE
gethere <player> DE Teleports another player to your position
getoption <key> DE Prints the currently set value of an option key
goto <x> <y> <z> OR goto <playername> DE Teleports you to a given world location or to another player
gotodeathposition - DE Teleports you to the position where you died (only valid during this session)
gotodefaultspawn - DE Teleports you to the world default spawn position
gotospawn - DE Teleports you to your spawn position
gotosurface - DE Teleports you to the surface
graphics - DE Prints information about the currently used graphics card
heal OR heal <playername> DE Heals yourself or another player
help <command> DE Prints information about a specific console command
hideareas - DE Hides all areas in the world. To show them, type 'showareas'
hud - DE Toggles the hud
id - DE
serverinfo <type>
type: memory, chunks, network
DE Gets some information about the server (types: memory, chunks, network)
invite <steamID> DE Invites a friend to join your game. Your friend will only be able to join your game if you have hosted a "Play with friends" session!
ip - DE Tries to get all local IP addresses (LAN)
item <itemname> <amount> [variant] DE Adds a new item to your inventory
kick <name/uid> [reason] DE Kicks a player from the server
kill <playername> DE Kills yourself or another player
listener - DE Freezes or unfreezes the audio listener position
listenforinput - DE Listens for any key input and prints the detected key name (and device)
loadworld <worldname> DE Loads a world
loadpreset <id/name> DE Loads a building size preset
locknpc - DE Freezes/locks the npc you're currently looking at (so it can't move anymore)
lodbias <bias> DE Changes the global LOD bias. Default setting is 1
logs - DE Opens the logs folder in the file explorer
makeadmin <name/uid> DE Makes a player an admin in multiplayer
mark - DE Saves your current location as temporary teleport position. Use 'gotomark' to teleport
maxfps - DE Sets the max framerate
maxlodlevel <lvl> DE Sets the max global LOD level. Default setting is 0
memory - DE Prints information about the current memory usage
mouse - DE Toggles visibility of the mouse cursor
movemode <mode> DE Changes the manual positioning mode. Either set WORLD (default) or LOCAL
networkstats - DE Prints some local network info (only works in multiplayer)
noclip - DE Toggles no-clipping for fly mode
object <objectname> <amount> [variant] DE Adds a new object (like furniture) to your inventory
offlineban <uid> <duration> [reason] DE Bans a player from the server who is currently not connected (duration in seconds). Set duration to -1 for a permanent ban
panorama [resolution] [createpreview] Speichert ein Panorama-Screenshot Creates a panorama screenshot (equirectangular projection)
pivotmode <mode> DE Changes the pivot mode, either AUTOMATIC (default) or MANUAL
playerinfo <uid> DE Gets some information about a particular player (by his UID)
playmusictrack - DE
playsound <soundname> [parametername] [parametervalue] ... DE Plays a certain sound effect at the player position
printchunkdata - DE
printkeybindings - DE Prints all current key bindings to a text file in the game directory called "keybindings.txt"
q - DE Quits the game
serverinfo <type> DE Gets some information about the server (types: memory, chunks, network)
refreshallchunks - DE Forces all currently loaded chunks to reload
refreshchunk - DE Forces the current chunk to reload
refreshinventory - DE Refresh your inventory (sync it with server)
reloadoptions - DE Reloads the settings from the config.properties file
reloadpermissions - DE Reloads permission files (from the "Permissions" folder)
reloadplugins - DE Reloads all plugins (experimental feature)
reloadscheduler - DE Reloads the server scheduler file (scheduler.txt)
renderclothes - DE Creates icons for all clothes and stores them in the Screenshots folder
renderconstruction <shape> [resolution] DE Creates icons for this construction element with all textures and stores them in the Screenshots folder
renderitems - rendert und speichert kleine Vorschaubilder von Items Creates icons for all items and stores them in the Screenshots folder
rendernpcs - rendert und speichert kleine Vorschaubilder von NPCs Creates icons for all npcs and stores them in the Screenshots folder
renderobject - rendert ein Vorschaubild Creates icons for a particular object and stores it in the Screenshots folder
renderobjects - rendert und speichert kleine Vorschaubilder Creates icons for all objects and stores them in the Screenshots folder
renderplants - rendert und speichert kleine Vorschaubilder Creates icons for all plants and stores them in the Screenshots folder
renderplayer [resolution] DE Creates an image of the current player model (including the current clothes)
report - Erstellt einen Fehlerbericht Creates a new error report (brings up the report tool)
resetcamerarotation - DE Resets the camera rotation
resetinput - DE Resets all input
resolution <width> <height> DE Changes the resolution
resolutionscale <scale> DE Changes the resolution scale (0-1)
restart <seconds> DE Restarts the server in x seconds, i.e. broadcasts a message about the impending restart to all players and restarts the server process (only works in multiplayer)
revokeadmin <name/uid> DE Revokes admin rights from a player in multiplayer
rotate <X> <Y> <Z> OR rotate <Y> DE Rotates the currently active element along the X (pitch), Y (yaw) and Z (roll) axis
rotation <X> <Y> <Z> OR rotation <Y> DE Sets an absolute rotation for the currently active element along the X (pitch), Y (yaw) and Z (roll) axis
rotationmode <mode> DE Changes the rotation mode. Either set WORLD, LOCAL or LEGACY (default)
rp - DE Reloads all plugins (experimental feature)
saveoptions - DE Writes all unsaved settings to the config.properties file
savepreset <id> [name] DE Saves a building size preset
screenshot [width] [height] DE Takes a screenshot
servergc - DE Invokes the serverside garbage collector to free up unused memory
serverinfo <type> DE Gets some information about the server (types: memory, chunks, network)
setaudiodriver <driver> DE Changes the currently active audio output driver
setspawn - DE Sets the global default spawn position to your current position
setl <precision> DE Sets the scale precision (when resizing an element)
setofflineplayergroup <uid> <groupname> DE Sets the permission group of an offline player. Either provide the group name, or "default" / "null" for the default permission
setoption <key> <value>
z.B.: setoption filmgrain false
Ändert eine Option und speichert den aktualisierten Wert in der Konfigurationsdatei Changes an option key and stores the updated value in the config file
setp <precision> DE Sets the placement precision (when moving an element manually)
setplayergroup <name/uid> <groupname> DE Sets the permission group of a player. Either provide the group name, or "default" / "null" for the default permission
setr <precision> DE Sets the rotation precision (when rotating an element)
setsnowiness <0-1> Legt den globalen Schneewert fest. Überschreibt Nässe Sets the global snowiness value. Overrides wetness
setspawn - DE Sets the global default spawn position to your current position
setspawninventory - DE Sets the global default spawn inventory to your current inventory
setspawn - DE Sets the global default spawn position to your current position
tod <hours> <minutes> DE Sets the current time of day
settimespeed <speed> (default speed is 1.75, realtime would be 60) - DE Specifies how many realtime seconds elapse until the ingame time advances by one minute
setwetness <0-1> - DE Sets the global wetness value. Overrides snowiness
showareas - DE Shows all areas in the world. To hide them, type 'hideareas'
showballistictrajectory - DE Visualizes the ballistic trajectory of projectiles
shutdown - DE Shuts the server down (only works in multiplayer)
size <X> <Y> <Z> - DE Sets the size of the currently active element along the X (width), Y (height) and Z (depth) axis
skyrotation <rotation> (default rotation is 0) - DE Changes the rotation of the sky, which affects the direction where the sun rises and sets
spawnnpc <name> [variant] - DE Spawns an npc in front of you
spawnvehicle <name> - DE Spawns a vehicle in front of you
setplayergroup <name/uid> <groupname> - DE Sets the permission group of a player. Either provide the group name, or "default" / "null" for the default permission
surfaceoffset <X> <Y> <Z> - DE Sets the surface offset of the currently active element along the X (width), Y (height) and Z (depth) axis. Default is 0 0 0
surfacescale <X> <Y> <Z> - DE Sets the surface scale of the currently active element along the X (width), Y (height) and Z (depth) axis. Default is 1 1 1
swapsize <axis1> <axis2> - DE Swaps the scale of the currently active element. Swaps axis 1 with axis 2 (e.g. X and Z axis size values)
system - DE Prints some system information
targetmonitor <monitor> - DE Changes the target monitor. Use 0 to switch to your main monitor
teleport <toplayer> OR teleport <player> <toplayer> - DE Teleports you to another player or teleports a particular player to another player
texturealignment <type> (valid types: default, world, local) - DE Overrides the texture alignment for the currently active construction element
texturescale <scalefactor> - DE Changes the texture scale for the currently active construction element
tod <hours> <minutes> - DE Sets the current time of day
tod <hours> <minutes> - DE Sets the current time of day
toggleterrain - DE Hides/shows the terrain and vegetation (also affects collision, so enable flying mode via F2 first)
togglewater - DE Enables/disables water effects
toggleworldgeneration - DE Stops/resumes the world generation
teleport <toplayer> OR teleport <player> <toplayer> - DE Teleports you to another player or teleports a particular player to another player
uidebugger [? / layername] - DE Enables the UIDebugger
unban <uid> - DE Unbans a player, i.e. lifts a ban in multiplayer
undo - DE Reverts the last destructive action (e.g. restores the last element you've destroyed)
undress - DE Takes off all clothes you're currently wearing
unloadplugins - DE Unloads all plugins (experimental feature)
unlocknpc - DE Unfreezes the npc you're currently looking at
viewdistance <detail> <total> [buildings] - DE Changes the view distance
visualizenpcs - DE Visualizes all currently loaded npcs in the scene
visualizeobjects - DE Visualizes all currently loaded objects (furniture, doors etc) in the scene
visualizevehicles - DE Visualizes all currently loaded vehicles in the scene
volume <sound/music> <value> - DE Sets the master sound or music volume
weather <type> [instant 0/1] (types: default, clear, breeze, overcast, rain, heavyrain, snow, heavysnow, lightsnow, cold, fog, densefog, storm) - DE Changes current ingame weather
worldbackup - DE Creates a backup of the currently loaded world. Optionally zips the backup (warning: this takes a while)
worlddir - DE Opens the world directory in the file explorer
yell <message> <message> Sendet eine Schreinachricht an alle Spieler Sends a yell message to all players (multiplayer)

Item- und Objekt-IDs

Mit dem Befehl item <name> können Items oder platzierbare Objekte ins Spielerinventar eingefügt werden.

Beispiel: item bottle 5 platziert 5 Flaschen im Spielerinventar.


  • pickaxe – Spitzhacke
  • apple – Apfel
  • repeater – Repetiergewehr
  • bottle – Flasche
  • megaphone – Megafon
  • walkietalkie – Walkie-Talkie
  • stone – Stein
  • treeloghickory – Baumstammstück
  • saplinghickory – Setzlinge (Hickory)
  • paintroller – Farbroller
  • wateringcan – Gießkanne
  • aliminiumigot – Aluminiumbarren
  • aluminiumore – Aluminiumerz
  • aluminiumwire – Aluminiumdraht
  • axe – Axt
  • axesteeel – Stahlaxt
  • bandage – Verband
  • paintroller – Farbroller
  • bellpepper – Paprika
  • blueprint – Blaupause
  • canteen – Feldflasche
  • carrot – Karotte
  • carrotslices – Karottenstücke
  • Chili – Chili
  • circuitboard - Leiterplatte
  • coarsecloth – Grobes Tuch
  • combatknife –Kampfmesser
  • paintroller – Farbroller
  • compassmodern – Moderner Kompass
  • compassold – Alter Kompass
  • cookie – Plätzchen
  • corncob – Maiskolben
  • cotton – Baumwolle
  • egg – Ei
  • flashlight – Taschenlampe
  • flashlightlarge – Große Taschenlampe
  • goldingot – Goldbarren
  • goldore – Golderz
  • gingerroot – Ingwerwurzel
  • hempfibers – Hanffasern
  • bottle – Flasche
  • hoe – Hacke
  • hoesteel – Stahlhacke
  • ironingot – Eisenbarren
  • ironplate – Eisenplatte
  • lettuce – Kopfsalat
  • lettuceleaves – Salatblätter
  • lumber – Holz
  • measuringtape – Maßband
  • medkit – Medikit
  • miningdrill – Bergbaubohrer
  • bottle – Flasche
  • oldshears – Alte Schere
  • oredetector – Erzdetektor
  • paintbrush – Pinsel
  • pear – Birne
  • penlight – Stiftlampe
  • pickaxesteel – Stahlspitzhacke

Objekte Hauptartikel: Objekte
